(A)   (1)   Design of the subdivision shall take into consideration any existing applicable comprehensive plans, and shall be based on a site analysis.
      (2)   To the maximum extent practicable, development shall be located to preserve the natural features of the site, to avoid environmentally sensitive areas and to minimize the negative impacts that may occur by altering natural features.
   (B)   The following specific areas shall be preserved as undeveloped open space, to the extent consistent with the reasonable utilization of land and in accordance with applicable state or federal regulations:
      (1)   Unique and/or fragile areas, including wetlands, as may be defined in the Water Pollution Control Act, § 404, being 33 U.S.C. §§ 1251 et seq., as amended; and in State Environmental Protection Agency, hereinafter referred to as “the OEPA”, standards;
      (2)   Land in the floodway as identified and mapped using the NFIP flood hazard boundary maps;
      (3)   Steep slopes in excess of 15% unless appropriate engineering measures concerning slope stability, erosion and resident safety are taken into account;
      (4)   Habitats of endangered flora and fauna, as identified on federal and state lists of endangered species; and
      (5)   Historically and culturally significant structures and sites as listed on the National Register of Historical Places.
   (C)   The development shall be laid out to avoid adversely affecting groundwater and aquifer recharge; to reduce cut and fill; to avoid unnecessary impervious cover; to prevent flooding; to minimize disturbance of riparian areas; to provide adequate access to lots and sites; and to mitigate adverse effects of noise, odor, traffic, drainage and utilities on neighboring properties. Lot design for building sites shall take into consideration topography, privacy, building height, orientation and drainage and aesthetics.
(Prior Code, § 23.04.04) Penalty, see § 151.999