Subdivision Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Owner: _________________________________________________________________________
Reviewer: _________________________________________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________________________________________
The following items (do, do not) conform with the requirements of the City of Nelsonville Subdivision Regulations. Items not conforming are explained on the reverse side of this checklist.
YES      NO
1. _______ _______ Application form complete
2. _______ _______ Variance application form complete (if necessary)
3. _______ _______ One original final plat/appropriate # of copies complete
4. _______ _______ One original set of subdivision improvement plans and required # of copies complete with name, address, and phone number of the professional engineer with the appropriate number and seal
5. _______ _______ Sheet size and map scale
6. _______ _______ Proposed name (no duplication) and location
7. _______ _______ Name, address, & phone # of owner, sub-divider, and professional surveyor with appropriate number and seal
8. _______ _______ Date of survey, scale of plat, north point, and acreage
9. _______ _______ Plat boundaries based on a field boundary survey, as defined in Ohio Administrative Code, 4733-37, all lot numbers and lot lines shown with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths
10. _______ ______ Building front, rear, and side setback lines with dimensions
11. _______ ______ Outline of areas to be dedicated or reserved for public use or common use by subdivision residents and outlines of previous lots or blocks and their numbers, indicated by a contrasting line style, in the case of a replat
12. _______ ______ Bearings and distances to the nearest established street lines and accurate location and description of all monuments
13. _______ ______ Names, locations, dimensions, rights-of- way of all existing and proposed streets and railroads within and adjoining the plat. Radii, internal angles, points of curvature, tangent bearings, length of arcs, and lengths and bearing of chords of all streets
14. _______ ______ Purposes, locations, and dimensions of all easements
15. _______ ______ Locations of all water bodies and flood hazard boundaries. Base flood elevations have determined by a professional engineer when necessary
16. _______ ______ The owners of record, acreage, deed book and page references for all abutting metes and bounds tracts and the names of all abutting subdivisions, with lot lines, lot numbers and plat book and page references
17. _______ ______ A copy of any restrictive covenants, and other notes, items, restrictions, or provisions required by the subdivision regulations or the county
18. _______ ______ If a zoning change is involved, certification from the appropriate city, township or county zoning officer.
19. _______ ______ A letter from the permitting agency indicating that a driveway permit has been issued or will be issued by the City Manager, office of the County Engineer, Township Trustees or Ohio Department of Transportation on existing roads
20. _______ ______ Overlay map per R.C. § 711.02(B)
(Prior Code, Chapter 23.12, Appendix F)