(A)   Where a park, playground, school, public access to water frontage or other proposed public property is located in whole or in part in a proposed subdivision, the Planning Commission may request the dedication of such area within the subdivision or that provision be made for the acquisition of such area by the proper agency within a mutually acceptable period.
   (B)   The Planning Commission, in conjunction with the City Manager, may require that land be conveyed to the city for park purposes. The Planning Commission may require the sub-divider to provide for creation of a homeowners’ association that will be responsible for dedicated open space maintenance. All subdivision residents will be members of the homeowners’ association. The Planning Commission will review proposed association bylaws as part of the subdivision review process.
   (C)   Where a large-scale subdivision or planned unit development is proposed, the Planning Commission shall require that consideration be given to sites for schools, parks, playgrounds and other such areas for common use, and that provisions be made for such reservation or acquisition by the proper agency.
   (D)   The Planning Commission reserves the right to deny approval to a subdivision if such subdivision disregards the preservation of natural features such as wooded areas, watercourses, geologic formations, riparian areas and areas of natural, historical or prehistorical significance which add value to a residential development and the community.
(Prior Code, § 23.07.02)