§ 151.058 FILING.
   The preliminary plan shall be considered officially filed after it is examined by the City Manager, hereinafter referred to as “the City Manager”, or his or her designee (minor subdivision, lot splits, parcel splits and large lot divisions) or the Planning Commission (major subdivisions), and is found to be in full compliance with the formal provisions of these regulations. The sub-divider shall be notified by mail within five working days from the date that the City Manager received the preliminary plan, as to whether the plan submitted is in compliance with these regulations. If the preliminary plan is in compliance, the notice to the sub-divider shall state the official filing date that begins the 45-day review period for major subdivisions and the date and time of a meeting at which the preliminary plan shall be reviewed. If the preliminary plan is not in compliance, the notice shall provide explanations for the sub-divider. If the sub-divider is not notified within five working days, the plan will be considered officially filed. If the preliminary plan is in compliance, the City Manager, or his or her designee (minor subdivisions, lot splits, parcel splits and large lot divisions) or the Planning Commission (major subdivisions), shall schedule a meeting to consider the preliminary plan.
(Prior Code, § 23.03.19)