The following requirements shall apply to special street types.
   (A)   One-way streets are permitted in new subdivisions if the Planning Commission determines that such streets are properly integrated with the existing and proposed street systems in the area.
      (1)   Permanent dead-end streets shall not be permitted. Temporary dead-end streets shall be permitted only as a segment of a continuing street plan subject to extension into undeveloped acreage. Temporary dead-end streets shall extend to the boundary of such undeveloped acreage and shall be provided with an interim turnaround satisfactory to the Planning Commission.
      (2)   The Planning Commission shall reserve the right to limit the length of such a dead-end street based on principles of proper planning, and the Planning Commission may require R/W dedication along the boundary between a proposed subdivision and the undeveloped acreage to provide for future development.
      (3)   Cul-de sac streets shall not exceed a length of 1,000 feet measured to the center of the radius of the turnaround. The terminus may be circular with a minimum radius of 55 feet measured from a point on the street centerline. Other termini types, such as “Ts” or vegetated islands, are acceptable and subject to review and approval by the City Manager and the Planning Commission. Cul-de-sacs that exceed 1,000 feet in length may be approved by the Planning Commission if there is no other feasible way to provide access to the lots.
   (B)   The dedication of new half-streets shall not be permitted. If a parcel to be subdivided exists adjacent to a dedicated or platted and recorded half-width street or alley, the other half-width of such street or alley falling within the proposed subdivision shall be platted; provided that, in the opinion of the Planning Commission, such right-of-way is necessary for the proper development of the area.
   (C)   Where a subdivision adjoins a major thoroughfare, a marginal access street shall be designed to control access to the thoroughfare from lots fronting on it. Points of access to the arterial street shall be spaced at a minimum of 1,320 feet. A planting strip having a minimum width of 20 feet shall be provided between the pavement of the marginal access street. The minimum width of the marginal access right-of-way shall be 50 feet. In addition, the Planning Commission may also require the provision of buffer planting strips, the platting of loop streets or cul-de-sacs connected to such parallel streets or any combination of such.
   (D)   Easements or reserve strips controlling access to streets shall be prohibited except where deemed necessary by the Commission and where their control is definitely placed with the city.
   (E)   In subdividing land along existing streets or roads and within a proposed subdivision, provisions for the dedication of land for one or more access streets to undeveloped land not fronting on an existing street or road shall be incorporated. Said access streets shall be spaced not less than 800 feet nor more than 1,400 feet apart.
   (F)   Alleys may be approved in residential subdivisions, when justified by subdivision street design, to provide vehicular access to parking areas. Alleys may be approved in commercial and industrial subdivisions if no other provisions can be made for adequate service access. The minimum width for an alley R/W shall be 20 feet and they shall be dedicated to the public. Alley intersections, sharp changes in alignment and dead-ends shall not be permitted unless extreme conditions would warrant such permission.
(Prior Code, § 23.05.10) Penalty, see § 151.999