The final plat shall contain the following information:
   (A)   Subdivision name, location by section, range, township or other accepted survey district. The minimum standards for boundary surveys in the state and the measurement specifications as presented in O.A.C. Chapter 4733-37 shall be used as minimum standards;
   (B)   Date, scale, north point and acreage;
   (C)   Name, address and telephone number of owner, sub-divider, professional surveyor and professional engineer with appropriate numbers and seals;
   (D)   Plat boundaries, based on accurate traverse, with angular and linear dimensions determined by an accurate control survey in the field. All lot lines shall be shown with accurate dimensions in feet and hundredths;
   (E)   Building front, rear and side yard setback lines shown with dimensions;
   (F)   Outline of areas to be dedicated or reserved for public or common use of property owners within the plat, and previous lots or blocks and their numbers indicated by contrasting line style in the case of a replat;
   (G)   Bearings and distances to the nearest established street lines, and accurate location and description of all monuments;
   (H)   Names, locations, dimensions, rights-of-way of all existing and proposed streets and railroads within and adjoining the plat. Radii, internal angles, points of curvature, tangent bearings, length of arcs and lengths and bearing of chords of all streets;
   (I)   Locations and dimensions of all easements and rights-of-way, with dimensions, purposes and wording addressing the uses of such easements or rights-of-way;
   (J)   Location of all streams, rivers, canals or lakes, and flood hazard boundaries of the area. Base flood elevations shall be determined by the sub-divider’s professional engineer, in areas where such information has not been made available by other means, for subdivisions greater than five acres in size;
   (K)   The owners of record, size and deed book and page references for all abutting tracts, and the name of all abutting subdivisions, with lot lines, lot numbers and plat book and page references; and
   (L)   A copy of any restrictive covenants, and other notes, items, restrictions or provisions required by these regulations, the Planning Commission, the City Manager or other plat-signing authority.
(Prior Code, § 23.03.26)