§ 151.003 PURPOSE.
   (A)   These regulations are adopted as minimum requirements for the regulation and control of land subdivision within the city and within three miles of the corporate limits in accordance with R.C. § 711.09.
   (B)   These regulations are intended to:
      (1)   Establish standards for logical, sound and economical development;
      (2)   To provide for adequate light, air and privacy; to secure safety from fire, flood and other danger; to prevent population congestion and overcrowding of the land; to provide orderly expansion and extension of community services and facilities at minimum cost and maximum convenience;
      (3)   To provide for the proper arrangement of streets and highways in relation to those existing or planned and to provide for the most beneficial relationship between use of land, buildings, traffic and pedestrian movements;
      (4)   To improve the quality of life through protection of the total environment, including the prevention of air, water, light and noise pollution; the prevention of soil erosion; and the preservation of natural beauty and topography; and
      (5)   To ensure appropriate surveying of land preparing and recording of plats and the equitable handling of all subdivision plats by providing uniform procedures and standards for observance by both the city and land sub-dividers.
(Prior Code, § 23.01.03)