(A)   Off-street parking areas shall be located within a reasonable walking distance of the buildings they are designed to serve and must be located on the same parcel of land as the intended use.
   (B)   Access to parking areas shall be designed so as not to obstruct free flow of traffic. There shall be adequate provision for ingress and egress, in the opinion of the City Manager, from all parking spaces to ensure ease of mobility, ample clearance and emergency vehicle and pedestrian access.
   (C)   Parking lots containing ten or more spaces shall be planted with at least one tree per eight spaces, no smaller than two-inch caliper (tree trunk diameter at chest height).
   (D)   Parking areas shall be screened along lot lines bordering institutional or residential uses and along streets. Native trees and shrubs shall be planted wherever possible.
   (E)   The width of all aisles providing direct access to individual parking stalls shall be in accordance with the requirements specified below. Only one-way traffic shall be permitted in aisles serving single-row parking spaces placed at an angle other than 90 degrees.
   (F)   Parking spaces within the corporate limits of the city shall comply with the requirements of the zoning code or other applicable parking ordinance.
(Prior Code, § 23.05.17) Penalty, see § 151.999