(A)   The gross area of the tract to be developed under the planned unit development approach shall comprise not less than ten acres, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission.
   (B)   The total ground area occupied by buildings and structures shall not exceed 80% of the total ground area, unless previous development in the neighborhood has a greater ground coverage, in which case the plan may increase the ground coverage of buildings and structures to correspond with the average coverage in the neighborhood.
   (C)   A minimum of 10% of the land developed shall be reserved for open space and similar uses such as an internal park network, recreational facilities and preservation of natural features.
   (D)   The minimum lot size shall be not less than 70% of the lot area per family or used otherwise required under these regulations. Lot widths and required yards may be reduced to 80% of the requirements of these regulations.
   (E)   The design of the internal circulation system shall provide convenient access to dwelling units and nonresidential facilities, separation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and shall be adequate to carry anticipated traffic, including access for emergency vehicles.
(Prior Code, § 23.09.04)