The preliminary plan shall contain the following information:
   (A)   Proposed name of the subdivision, location by section, range, township or other survey;
   (B)   Boundaries and acreage;
   (C)   Name, address and telephone number of the owner, sub-divider, professional surveyor and professional engineer with appropriate numbers and seals;
   (D)   Date of survey, scale of the plat, north point, legend and a vicinity map of a scale not less than 2,000 feet to an inch;
   (E)   Name of adjacent subdivisions, owners of adjoining parcels and location of common boundary lines, extended to 200 feet beyond the boundary of the subdivision;
   (F)   Topographic contours, within and adjacent to the plat for a minimum distance of 200 feet, with intervals no greater than two feet at 5% slope, no greater than five feet for slopes over 5% and less than or equal to 15% and no greater than ten feet for slopes greater than 15%;
   (G)   Location, width and names of existing and proposed streets, railroad rights-of-way, easements, parks, buildings, corporation and township lines, wooded areas, watercourses, drainage patterns, water bodies and topographic features within and adjacent to the plat for a minimum distance of 200 feet;
   (H)   Location of floodways and floodplains;
   (I)   A good-faith effort to identify the location of environmentally sensitive areas;
   (J)   Layout, number, dimensions of each lot and setback lines (a note listing setback dimensions may be added in lieu of showing setback lines if the plan will be made more legible);
   (K)   Parcels of land reserved for public use or reserved by covenant for residents of the subdivision;
   (L)   Potential streets or common access drive layouts for adjacent land under sub-dividers control intended for future development;
   (M)   Type of water supply and wastewater disposal proposed, approximate locations and dimensions of all proposed utilities and sewer lines, easements, drainage tiles, water mains, culverts or other underground utilities within the tract or adjacent thereto;
   (N)   Known cemeteries, historical or archeological sites; and
   (O)   A schedule outlining the order of development of each section or phase of the subdivision.
(Prior Code, § 23.03.16)