Approval of a minor subdivision may be granted by the Planning Commission, or its designated representative, if the proposed subdivision of the parcel of land meets all of the following conditions.
   (A)   The proposed division of a parcel of land involves no more than five tracts, after the original parcel has been completely subdivided (inclusive of the remainder parcel).
   (B)   The proposed subdivision is along an existing public street, and involves no opening, widening or extension of any street or road or public utility.
   (C)   The proposed subdivision is not contrary to applicable subdivision or zoning regulations or, if so, has received any necessary variances.
   (D)   The property has been surveyed and a survey drawing, in the form as provided in § 151.044, and a legal description of the property is submitted with the application.
   (E)   The proposed subdivision is approved by the City Water and Sewer Distribution and Collection Department, appropriate County Health Department or the State Environmental Protection Agency (for special sanitary districts) for sanitary sewage disposal, the office of the appropriate County Engineer for mathematical accuracy of the survey of plat and others as may be applicable.
(Prior Code, § 23.03.03)