(A)   The arrangement, character, extent and location of all streets shall conform to the thoroughfare plan of the city; such streets shall be considered in their relation to existing and planned streets, topographic conditions, public convenience and safety, and in their relation to the proposed uses of land to be served by such streets. The Planning Commission reserves the right to disapprove any street plan which does not represent good design or does not ensure continuity of the existing street system.
   (B)   The road system shall be designed to serve the need of the neighborhood and to discourage through-traffic in the interior of such subdivision. Residential driveway access shall not be permitted onto principal arterials. Major subdivisions shall be designed to discourage residential driveway access onto major arterial and collector roadways by using access roads. Minimizing driveway access points or curb cuts by using access roads shall be encouraged.
   (C)   There shall be no private streets, lanes, roads, ways or private easements used for the purpose of primary access to any subdivision, including subdivisions exempt from platting under R.C. § 711.131 unless constructed and maintained to county road specifications and standards.
(Prior Code, § 23.05.05) Penalty, see § 151.999