Before any land is subdivided, the owner of the property, or his or her authorized agent, shall apply for and secure approval of the proposed subdivision in accordance with the following procedures.
   (A)   Minor subdivision, lot split or parcel split. A minor subdivision is one which meets the criteria listed in § 151.042. These shall be handled by the Planning Commission, or its designated representative, and require a survey drawing, a deed with a legal description and any fees that may be in effect. It is recommended that prior to any survey work, a site visit be conducted with the Planning Commission, or its representative, in order to ensure compatibility with these regulations.
   (B)   Major subdivision or platted subdivision. These divisions of land involve approval actions by the Planning Commission before plat signature by its representative. The approval process for a major subdivision includes three principal steps: an optional sketch plan, an optional preliminary plan and a final plat.
(Prior Code, § 23.03.02)