(A)   These regulations shall be applicable to all subdivisions of land located within the incorporated area of city and within three miles of the corporate limits in accordance with R.C. § 711.09.
   (B)   Whenever the city has adopted a major thoroughfare, parks and public open space plan for the territory within the city limits and for the territory within three miles of the city, or any portion thereof, and has adopted subdivision regulations shall exercise extraterritorial jurisdiction for a distance of up to three miles from its corporate limits if county or township zoning is not in effect within the area as provided in R.C. § 711.09. The Commission may receive advice from the County Regional Planning Commission, hereinafter referred to as “the ACRPC”, or the Hocking County Regional Planning Commission, hereinafter referred to as “the HCRPC”, upon all subdivision plats located within three miles of the corporate limits.
   (C)   The city and the ACRPC or HCRPC may agree, in writing, that the approval of the plat by the city, as provided in R.C. § 711.09, shall be conditioned upon receiving advice from or approval by the appropriate Regional Planning Commission.
   (D)   The city may cooperate with the ACRPC or the HCRPC in the review of subdivision plats occurring on lands adjoining the corporation line of the city or within a reasonable distance of same. The city may, as a condition for such cooperation, and in order to carry out these regulations more effectively, seek an agreement with the ACRPC or the HCRPC. The terms of the agreement may permit joint review by the city, the ACRPC or the HCRPC of subdivisions occurring next to or within its corporate limits.
   (E)   Regional and Municipal Planning Commissions with subdivision approval authority will have to reach agreement on review of lands, proposed for subdivision, which lie partially within and partially outside of the three mile limit area.
(Prior Code, § 23.01.06)