(A)   A minor subdivision application available at the City Manager’s office shall be filed by the landowner, or designated representative. A complete application shall contain a survey drawing as described in § 151.044, a proposed deed with a legal description for each lot being created that is approved by the county or the Hocking County Engineer for math accuracy, the fee as set forth in these regulations and a certification of approval by the Health Department of jurisdiction, and others as may be applicable.
   (B)   (1)   After the split has been approved by the County Engineer of jurisdiction and the Health Department, or authority of jurisdiction, the deed and a copy of the survey drawing shall then be checked by the Commission, or its representative, for conformity with these regulations.
      (2)   A property inspection may be conducted. The President of the City Planning Commission, or his or her representative, shall stamp and sign the deed “approved-minor subdivision, no plat required as per R.C. § 711.131” within seven working days after submission if the lot in question meets all requirements as stipulated above.
   (C)   The deed shall then be taken to the County Auditor of jurisdiction for the transfer of property and then to the County Recorder of jurisdiction where it will become a legal lot of record. Minor subdivision requests expire if not recorded within one year of approval by the Planning Commission.
   (D)   Incomplete or deficient proposals shall be disapproved and the sub-divider notified in writing of reasons for the disapproval.
(Prior Code, § 23.03.04)