Subdivision Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Owner: _________________________________________________________________________
Reviewer: _________________________________________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________________________________________
The following questions should be answered as part of the sketch plan and preliminary plan process. By giving serious consideration to the issues posed by the questions, environmental problems posed by subdivision creation can be minimized.
YES      NO
_______ _______ Does the subdivision conflict with any existing plans?
_______ _______ Does the subdivision affect the use of a recreation area, an area of important visual value, or preempt a site with potential recreation or open space value?
_______ _______ Will any unique natural or manmade features in the subdivision area be disturbed?
_______ _______ Do the engineering plans follow State-recommended guidelines for erosion control?
_______ _______ Do the engineering plans follow State-recommended guidelines for storm water management?
_______ _______ Do the engineering plans adequately protect against geologic hazards, particularly land slippage, unstable soils, and underground mine subsidence?
_______ _______ Does the subdivision change existing topography or involve construction in any floodplain, natural drainage course, or watercourse? Are cuts and fills adequately engineered?
_______ _______ Is the subdivision one of a series of cumulative actions, which, although individually small, may as a whole have significant environmental impact?
_______ _______ Does the subdivision area serve as a habitat, food source, nesting place, crossing, wintering area, source of water, etc. for any wildlife species?
_______ _______ Are there any rare or endangered plant species in the subdivision area?
_______ _______ Could the subdivision change existing features of any stream frontage or greenbelt areas?
_______ _______ Will the subdivision remove substantial amounts of vegetation, including ground cover?
_______ _______ Will the subdivision affect the hydrology of the region?
_______ _______ Will the subdivision serve to encourage development of presently undeveloped areas or intensify development of already developed areas? Have adequate measures been taken to plan for this development?
_______ _______ Is there appreciable opposition to the subdivision or is it likely to be controversial?
_______ _______ Will the subdivision create new or aggravate existing health or safety hazards?
_______ _______ Will the subdivision generate significant amounts of dust or odor?
_______ _______ What will be the effects on traffic volumes and flow in the vicinity of the subdivision?
_______ _______ Will the subdivision contribute to the loss of agricultural land or impact existing farming operations in the vicinity?
_______ _______ Have adequate measures been taken to minimize pollution of the air, water, and soil? Measures shall consider the subdivision’s future impacts of noise pollution; light pollution; air pollution from dust; water pollution from chemical applications, soil erosion, and human effluent, and soil pollution from chemical applications and human effluent.
(Prior Code, Chapter 23.12, Appendix G)