(A)   Having received approval of the preliminary plan, if applicable, the sub-divider shall submit a final plat application containing all changes in the preliminary plan, as required by the Planning Commission. The final plat shall be prepared by a qualified registered surveyor and the design for construction of improvements prepared by a professional engineer licensed to practice in the state.
   (B)   (1)   The final plat shall be considered officially filed after it is examined by the Planning Commission, or its representative, and is found to be in full compliance with the formal provisions of these regulations. The sub-divider shall be notified by mail within five working days from the date that the Planning Commission received the final plat, as to whether the plat submitted is in compliance with these regulations. If the final plat is in compliance, the notice to the sub-divider shall state the official filing date that begins the 45-day review period and the meeting at which the final plat shall be reviewed. If the final plat is not in compliance, the notice shall provide explanations for the sub-divider. If the sub-divider is not notified within five working days, the plat will be considered officially filed.
      (2)   A complete application shall contain:
         (a)   Complete and signed application form available from the City Manager’s office with the fee, as set forth in the appendix;
         (b)   Original plat document signed by the sub-divider and lien holder with notary and seal and the surveyor with seal;
         (c)   Five sets of copies of the final plat and one reproducible tracing of the plat, construction drawings and specifications and supplementary or additional information specified herein;
         (d)   Five sets of approved grading, street, storm water management, waterline and sanitary sewer improvement plans;
         (e)   Professional engineer’s (licensed in the state) certified cost estimate for all improvements; and
         (f)   A letter from the City Manager stating that all improvements are built to specification and a maintenance guarantee in an amount of 10% of the professional engineer’s cost estimate. If improvements are not built, a performance guarantee that meets the requirements of § 151.196 shall be submitted.
(Prior Code, § 23.03.24)