   The planned unit development is a contiguous area to be planned, developed, operated and maintained as a single entity containing one or more structures to accommodate residential, commercial and/or industrial uses. The procedures for approval of planned unit developments are subject to the approval procedure specified by §§ 151.040 through 151.072.
(Prior Code, § 23.09.01)
   Planned unit development of land may be permitted in order to provide a means for a more desirable physical development pattern than would be possible through the strict application of zoning regulations and subdivision regulations. The Planning Commission will permit variety and flexibility in land development to encourage the sub-divider to adjust design to irregular topography, economize in the construction of utilities and create architectural variation as well as attractive and usable buildings and building sites.
(Prior Code, § 23.09.02)
   (A)   Compatible residential, commercial, industrial, public and quasi-public uses may be combined; provided that the proposed location of the commercial or industrial uses will not adversely affect or disregard adjacent property, public health, safety and the general welfare.
   (B)   A variety of housing and building types is encouraged by permitting a higher per acre housing density and a reduction in lot dimensions and yard and building setbacks, compared with conventional development standards.
(Prior Code, § 23.09.03)
   (A)   The gross area of the tract to be developed under the planned unit development approach shall comprise not less than ten acres, unless otherwise approved by the Planning Commission.
   (B)   The total ground area occupied by buildings and structures shall not exceed 80% of the total ground area, unless previous development in the neighborhood has a greater ground coverage, in which case the plan may increase the ground coverage of buildings and structures to correspond with the average coverage in the neighborhood.
   (C)   A minimum of 10% of the land developed shall be reserved for open space and similar uses such as an internal park network, recreational facilities and preservation of natural features.
   (D)   The minimum lot size shall be not less than 70% of the lot area per family or used otherwise required under these regulations. Lot widths and required yards may be reduced to 80% of the requirements of these regulations.
   (E)   The design of the internal circulation system shall provide convenient access to dwelling units and nonresidential facilities, separation of vehicular and pedestrian traffic and shall be adequate to carry anticipated traffic, including access for emergency vehicles.
(Prior Code, § 23.09.04)
§ 151.219 OPEN SPACE.
   The amount of open space reserved in the planned unit development shall either be held in corporate ownership by the owners of the project area, for the use of those who buy property; be held by an association of property owners within the development; or be dedicated to city and retained as open space or related uses. All land dedicated to the city shall meet the requirements of the Planning Commission. Public utility easements and easements for watercourses are not acceptable for open space dedication unless such land is usable as a trail and approved by the Planning Commission.
(Prior Code, § 23.09.05)