Subdivision Name: _________________________________________________________________________
Owner: _________________________________________________________________________
Reviewer: _________________________________________________________________________
Date: _________________________________________________________________________
The following items (do, do not) conform with the requirements of the City of Nelsonville Subdivision Regulations. Items not conforming are explained on the reverse side of this checklist.
YES      NO
1. _______ _______ Application form complete
2. _______ _______ Variance application form complete (if necessary)
3. _______ _______ One original preliminary plan/appropriate # of copies complete
4. _______ _______ One set of preliminary subdivision improvement plans complete
5. _______ _______ Proposed name (no duplication) and location
6. _______ _______ Name, address, & phone # of owner, sub-divider, professional engineer, and professional surveyor with appropriate numbers and seals
7. _______ _______ Scale of plat, north point, legend, and vicinity map of scale not less than 1”= 2000’
9. _______ _______ Names of adjacent subdivisions, owners of adjoining parcels, and locations of common boundary lines within 200 feet of the subdivision boundaries
10. _______ _______ Topographic contours (2 feet for <5% slopes, 5 feet for >5%-<15% slopes, and 10 feet for >15% slopes)
11. _______ _______ Locations, widths, and names of existing and proposed streets, railroad R/W’s, easements, parks, buildings, corporation and township lines, wooded areas, watercourses, drainage patterns, water bodies, and topographic features within and around the subdivision for 200 feet from its borders
12. _______ _______ Locations of floodways, floodplains, and other potentially hazardous areas
13. _______ _______ Locations of environmentally sensitive areas
14. _______ _______ Soil types from USDA soils map
15. _______ _______ Layout, numbers, dimensions of lots, and setback lines
16. _______ _______ Parcels reserved for public use or for use by residents of the subdivision
17. _______ _______ Points of ingress/egress to the subdivision and locations of proposed future access way locations for adjacent lands
18. _______ _______ Type of water supply and wastewater disposal systems, locations and dimensions of proposed utilities, utility easements, sewer lines, water mains, culverts, drainage tiles, or other underground utilities within or adjacent to the tract
19. _______ _______ Locations of cemeteries, historical, or archaeological sites
20. _______ _______ Copy of proposed covenants and restrictions
21. _______ _______ Proposed schedule of construction
The following information does not apply to all subdivisions and may be requested during the preliminary plan phase.
22. _______ _______ Statements of proposed use of lots with type and number of dwelling units and/or type of business or industry
23. _______ _______ Conceptual plan for commercial or industrial development showing proposed parking, loading areas, alleys, pedestrian walkways, streets, points of vehicular ingress/egress to the development, and landscape features
24. _______ _______ Drawing of present and proposed grades and facilities for storm water drainage in cases where natural drainage is altered
25. _______ _______ Feasibility study on water and sewer facilities
26. _______ _______ Screening, buffering, and/or noise abatement measures
27. _______ _______ Cross sections and centerline profiles for each proposed street and preliminary engineering designs for any bridges or culverts proposed in the project
28. _______ _______ Other information deemed necessary or prudent to create buildable sites or to promote the public health, safety, and welfare
(Prior Code, Chapter 23.12, Appendix E)