(A)   Where an adequate public sanitary sewer system is reasonably accessible in the determination of the County Health District; public sanitary sewers shall be installed to adequately serve all lots. Public sewer system extensions, including lateral connections, shall meet the requirements and standards of the OEPA and the city. Sanitary sewers and storm sewers shall not be combined in the same line.
   (B)   Where a public sanitary sewer system is not reasonably accessible, the sub-divider may provide a central treatment plant for the subdivision, provided that such central treatment plant is installed in accordance with OEPA and county health requirements. Lots may be served by individual disposal systems only with approval of appropriate OEPA and county health officials. Where the installation of individual disposal systems is considered, the absorptive ability of the soil, surface drainage, groundwater level and topography shall be the criteria used for determining whether or not the installation of individual systems is permissible.
   (C)   When individual, on-lot sewage systems are approved; each lot so served shall be of a size and shape to accommodate the necessary length of a leach field at a safe distance from and at a lower elevation than the proposed building(s). Adequate area for replacement leach fields will usually be required. On-lot systems shall be designed to retain effluent on the lot as much as possible. Easements across abutting landowners may be required for the necessary drainage of treated sewage effluent.
(Prior Code, § 23.06.04) Penalty, see § 151.999