§ 151.111 RIGHTS-OF-WAY.
   (A)   The right-of-way, hereinafter referred to as “the R/W”, shall be measured from lot line to lot line at a width recommended in accordance with Table 3 in division (C) below and shall be sufficient in width to contain the roadway, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, utilities, graded areas and shade trees.
   (B)   The R/W of a new road that is a continuation of an existing road shall in no case be continued at a width less than that of the existing street.
   (C)   The R/W for roads shall be in accordance with the major thoroughfare plan, and shall provide for future development.
Table 3: Right-of-Way Recommended Standards
Street Type
R/W Width (feet)
Table 3: Right-of-Way Recommended Standards
Street Type
R/W Width (feet)
20 - 28
Local industrial
60 - 80
Local street/road
50 - 60
Major arterial
120 - 300
Major collector
64 - 80
Marginal access street
Minor arterial
80 - 100
Minor collector
60 - 80
(Prior Code, § 23.05.07) Penalty, see § 151.999