General Provisions
   151.001   Title
   151.002   Purpose
   151.003   Scope
   151.004   Effective date
   151.005   Conflict of ordinances
   151.006   Definitions
Administration and Enforcement
   151.015   Administration
   151.016   Interpretations, rulings, and orders
   151.017   Rules and regulations
   151.018   Buildings of mixed occupancy uses
   151.019   Certificate of occupancy
   151.020   Construction
   151.021   Issuance of building permits
   151.022   Inspection
   151.023   Building violations
   151.024   Notice of violation
   151.025   Condemned and placarded property; notice
   151.026   Emergency orders
   151.027   Vacating of premises
   151.028   Removal of condemnation placard
   151.029   Vacant structures
   151.030   Demolition of structures
   151.031   Appeals
Owner and Occupant Responsibilities
   151.040   Burden of responsibility; compliance with provisions required
   151.041   Public areas
   151.042   Occupant's responsibility
   151.043   Rubbish and garbage disposal
   151.044   Rodent and insect control
   151.045   Plumbing
   151.046   Equipment and appliances
   151.047   Weed control
   151.048   Snow removal
Structural Requirements and Maintenance
   151.060   Compliance with provisions required
   151.061   Plumbing; electric wiring; heating; equipment
   151.062   Foundation; floors; roof
   151.063   Windows and doors
   151.064   Screens
   151.065   Stairs and porches
   151.066   Bathrooms and water closet compartments
   151.067   Storage
   151.068   Disruption of utility services
Means of Egress
   151.080   Unobstructed means of egress
   151.081   Required means of egress
   151.082   Halls or corridors
   151.083   Required widths
   151.084   Outside balconies and stairs
   151.085   Passage through other units
Area, Space, and Use
   151.090   Compliance with provisions; computation
   151.091   Floor areas
   151.092   Ceiling heights
   151.093   Room widths
   151.094   Access to rooms
   151.095   Cellar area
   151.096   Basement area
Light and Ventilation
   151.105   Minimum requirements
   151.106   Required window area
   151.107   Mechanical ventilation and lighting
   151.108   Halls and stairway lighting
Plumbing, Water, and Sanitation Facilities
   151.120   Compliance with provisions required
   151.121   Sewer and water
   151.122   Kitchen sink
   151.123   Bathroom
   151.124   Hot water system
Heating Equipment and Facilities
   151.130   Heating facilities required
   151.131   Portable heaters
   151.132   Vents, chimneys, and smoke pipes
   151.133   Central heating systems
   151.134   Space heaters
   151.135   Safety valves
   151.136   Hot water heaters
   151.137   Incinerators
Electric Wiring and Facilities
   151.145   Compliance with provisions; connection required
   151.146   Maintenance
   151.147   Appliances
   151.148   Convenience outlets
   151.149   Overloads
Gas Facilities
   151.160   Connections with gas lines
   151.161   Gas piping
   151.162   Gas pressure
   151.163   LP or bottled gas
Rooming Houses
   151.170   Application of provisions
   151.171   Operator's responsibility
   151.172   Rooming houses; hotels; motels
   151.173   Rooming house permit
   151.174   Application for permit
   151.175   Permit fee
   151.176   Revocation of permit
   151.177   Appeal of rejection or revocation
   151.178   Means of egress
   151.179   Floor area
   151.180   Light and ventilation
   151.181   Plumbing, water, and sanitation facilities
   151.182   Heating
   151.183   Lighting
   151.184   Cooking equipment
   151.185   Bedding and towels only
   151.186   Rubbish and garbage disposal
Aesthetic Standards
   151.200   Anti-monotony standards
   151.999   Penalty