General Provisions
   150.001   Building Codes adopted
   150.002   Deletions, additions and modifications to adopted Building Codes
   150.003   Building permit fees; construction valuation
   150.004   Certificate of occupancy
   150.005   Temporary certificates of occupancy
   150.006   Construction hours
   150.007   Water walls
   150.008   Supplemental enforcement powers
   150.009   Final inspection required
Swimming Pools
   150.010   Definitions
   150.011   Public pools to comply with state regulations
   150.012   Construction permit required
   150.013   Application for permit
   150.014   Tests
   150.015   Safety devices
   150.016   Overhead electrical conductors
   150.017   Equipment installation
   150.018   Drainage from pool
   150.019   Operation and maintenance
   150.020   Right of village to inspect and test
   150.021   Authority of village to close
   150.022   Fees
   150.035   County-village agreement
Sheds and Accessory Structures
   150.040   Sheds and accessory structure construction
Detached Garages
   150.045   Detached garages
Relocation of Buildings
   150.050   Permit required
   150.051   Application for permit
   150.052   Bond required
   150.053   Permit fee
   150.054   Notification of police department
Street Roadway Construction for New Homes
   150.064   Requirements
   150.065   Application of subdivision regulations
Sidewalk Construction for New Homes
   150.085   Requirements
   150.086   Exemptions
Satellite Antennas
   150.095   Definitions
   150.096   Permit required
   150.097   Application for permit; fee
   150.098   Ground-mounted earth stations
   150.099   Roof-mounted earth stations
   150.100   Appeals
Electrical Contractors
   150.110   Definition
   150.111   Compliance required
   150.112   Registration of contractors
   150.113   Examination prerequisite to registration
   150.114   Entitlement to certificate of registration
   150.115   Use of invalid certificate
   150.116   Registration fee
   150.117   Out-of-town contractors
   150.118   Obedience to regulations
   150.119   Electrical commission
Uniform Electrical Code
   150.130   [Reserved]
   150.131   Regulations of electrical utility adopted
   150.132   Filing; incorporation of code and regulations
Cell Towers
   150.150   Cell tower preferred placement
   150.151   Residential placement of cell tower regulations
   150.152   Cell tower siting application fees
Building Plan Standards
   150.160   Building plan standards
   150.161   Rejection by Building Department
   150.162   Building Department review
   150.163   Resubmission of plans
   150.999   Penalty
   Appendix: Forms and diagrams