Article I. In General
   39-1   Illegal dumping
Article II. Litter, Wastes and the Like
Division 1. Generally
   39-2   Definitions
   39-3   Enforcement
   39-4   Deposit of dangerous substances
   39-5   Depositing of litter in public places
   39-6   Use of public receptacles
   39-7   Duty of property owners to keep premises free from litter
   39-8   Dumping fill dirt and the like
   39-9   Responsibility for litter in multiple dwellings
   39-10   Dumping of litter in public waters
   39-11   A violation deemed a civil infraction
   39-11.1   Abatement of nuisance
   39-11.2   Failure to abate nuisance; City removal costs
   39-11.3   Notice to the owner and all persons interested in the premises
   39-11.4   Costs a lien; assessment
Division 2. Separation and Disposal
   39-12   Garbage, waste — domestic
   39-13   Same — commercial
   39-14   Rubbish
   39-15   Dead animals
   39-16   Animal and fowl manure
   39-17   Infectious materials
   39-18   Domestic waste
   39-18.1   Compost material
   39-18.2   Penalty — designation as municipal civil infraction
Division 3. Receptacles
   39-19   Single- or two-family dwellings
   39-20   Multiple dwellings
   39-20.1   Businesses — enclosures required; exceptions
   39-21   Broken or illegal receptacles
   39-22   Receptacle limit — time for placement; penalty
   39-23   Portable receptacles required for certain occupancies
   39-24   Large moveable receptacles — approval of location, size and the like
   39-25   Same — permit required; fee; revocation
   39-26   Location
   39-26.5   Penalty — designation as municipal civil infraction
Division 4. Collection
   39-27   Private waste collections
   39-28   Domestic waste
   39-29   Commercial wastes
   39-29.1   Community garden and noncommercial greenhouse wastes
   39-30   Charges for disposal of commercial and construction waste
   39-31   Frequency of collection
Article III. Dumping Grounds
   39-32   License — required; “dumping ground” defined
   39-33   Same — application; approval
   39-34   Same — fees; issuance; term; report of change in operations and the like
   39-35   Same — deposit required to cover cost of fire calls
   39-36   Same — suspension or revocation
   39-37   Blowing of material onto streets and the like to be prevented
   39-38   Procedure for burning
   39-39   Use of sanitary fill
   39-40   Placing garbage, offal and the like on dumping ground prohibited
   39-41   Operation contrary to article deemed public nuisance; abatement and removal of nuisance
   39-41.1   City sanitary landfill — designation
   39-41.2   Same — use generally
   39-41.3   Same — rules and regulations controlling use
Article IV. Weeds, Grass and the Like
   39-42   “Noxious weeds” defined
   39-43   Accumulation of growth of weeds, grass, harmful vegetation deemed nuisance
   39-43.1   Nuisance prohibited; removal
   39-43.1.A   Violation deemed a civil infraction
   39-43.2   Abatement of nuisance
   39-44   Notice of abatement; by publication
   39-45   Failure to abate nuisance; City removal costs
   39-46   Costs a lien; assessment
   Covering of trucks hauling trash, debris and the like, see § 28-148
   Placing rubbish and the like into rivers or streams declared a nuisance, see § 30-8
   Prohibition against placing rubbish, filth and the like in public parks, see § 33-6
   Prohibition against leaving rubbish in streets, see § 42-12
   Storage of rubbish, wastepaper and the like at airport, see § 5-32
   Throwing glass, rubbish and the like into streets and private property and the like, declared nuisance, see § 30-2