Article I. In General
   6-1   Alcoholic liquor defined
   6-2   Purchase by or sale to persons under 21 prohibited
   6-2.1   Selling or furnishing to persons under 21 prohibited
   6-2.2   Same — sale defined
   6-3   Proof of age and identity
   6-5   Possession, transportation and the like by person under 21 prohibited
   6-5.1   Penalty for §§ 6-2 – 6-5
   6-5.2   Transportation or possession in motor vehicle by person less than 21
   6-6   Consumption in public prohibited; possession or consumption in public park or parkway prohibited; exception
Article II. Regulations of On-Premises Consumption
   6-7   Definitions
   6-8   Compliance
   6-9   Provisions not to limit existing authority or power
   6-10   Compliance with health and safety requirements
   6-11   Limitation on location of new business
   6-12   Qualifications for license
   6-13   License — application, investigation and approval
   6-14   Fees for transfer of ownership or location of license
   6-15   Time limit on transfer of licenses
   6-16   Revocation of license
   6-17   Living quarters connected with licensed premises
   6-18   Employment of persons under 18
   6-19   Sale to intoxicated persons prohibited
   6-20   Certain conduct on premises prohibited
   6-21   Dance permit
   6-22   Advertising that paychecks are cashed prohibited
   6-23   Sunday hours
   6-24   Issuance or transfer fee for specially designated merchant or distributor licenses
   Public intoxication, see § 31-46
   Under the influence:
      Driving, see § 28-28
      Operating watercraft, see § 48-2
Statutory reference:
   Liquor Control Act, see MSA §§ 18.971 et seq.