Article I. In General
   15-1   Definitions
   15-2   Enforcement
   15-3   Rights reserved to City
   15-4   Copies of franchisee’s communications with regulatory agencies to be submitted to City Clerk
   15-5   Liability and indemnification
   15-6   Compliance with regulations of Federal Communications Commission
   15-7   Equal employment opportunity
Article II. Franchises
   15-8   Required
   15-9   Limitations
   15-10   Term; refusal to grant renewal
   15-11   Applications
   15-12   Approval procedure
   15-13   Franchise fee
   15-14   Transfer
   15-15   Reserved
   15-16   Revocation; hearing
Article III. Installations and Facilities
   15-17   Construction generally; lease, rental
   15-18   Equipment location; alteration of streets, trees and the like
   15-19   Construction, use of poles and the like
   15-20   Safety requirements
   15-21   Annual report
Article IV. Programming; Service; Rates
   15-22   Signal quality
   15-23   Color television
   15-24   Program alteration
   15-25   System operation and maintenance generally
   15-26   Emergency programming
   15-27 – 15-32   Reserved
   15-33   Electronic surveillance
   15-34   Access
   15-35   Uniformity of rates and service
Article V. Telecommunications Advisory Commission
   15-36   Composition; qualifications of members; terms of office
   15-37   Members — appointed
   15-38   Same — compensation
   15-39   Vacancies
   15-40   Meetings
   15-41   Rules of procedure
   15-42   Duties
   15-43   Expenses
Article VI. Cable    Rate Regulation
   15-44   Rate regulation
Article VII.  Severability and Conflict
   15-46   Severability
   15-47   Conflicting provisions
Article VIII. Metropolitan Telecommunications Act
   15-63   Conflict
   15-64   Purpose
   15-64.1   Definitions
   15-65   Permit required
   15-66   Issuance of permit
   15-67   Construction/engineering permit
   15-68   Conduit or utility poles
   15-69   Route maps
   15-70   Repair of damage
   15-71   Establishment and payment of maintenance fee
   15-72   Modification of existing fees
   15-73   Savings clause
   15-74   Use of funds
   15-75   Annual report
   15-76   Cable television operators
   15-77   Existing rights
   15-78   Compliance
   15-79   Reservation of police powers
   15-80   Authorized city officials
   15-81   Municipal civil infractions
   15-82   Severability
   15-83   Repeal
Article IX. Video Service Provider Right-of-Way Management
   15-84   Purpose
   15-85   Consistent interpretation
   15-86   Definitions
   15-87   Applicability to permittees
   15-88   Contacts, maps and plans
   15-89   Use of public right-of-way
   15-90   Indemnification
   15-91   Insurance
   15-92   Performance bond or letter of credit
   15-93   Removal
   15-94   Other items
   15-95   Repealer