1-1 How Code designated and cited
1-2 Rules of construction
1-3 Catchlines of sections
1-4 Provisions considered as continuation of existing ordinances
1-5 Repeal does not revive ordinance previously repealed
1-6 Severability of parts of Code
1-7 General penalty; continuing violations
1-7.1 Attempt to commit a violation of a provision of this Code
1-7.2 Hate crimes
1-7.3 Abolition of distinction between accessory and principal
1-8 Enforcement of ordinances by issuance of appearance tickets by authorized personnel
1-9 Preparation of list of persons authorized to issue appearance tickets
1-10 Appearance tickets
1-11 Presumption of misdemeanor
1-12 Definitions
1-13 Commencement of municipal civil infraction action
1-14 Ordinance enforcement officer
1-15 Establishment of Bureau
1-16 Authority of Bureau
1-17 Election of person served with violation notice
1-18 Schedule of fines for a municipal civil infraction violation notice
1-19 Penalties for municipal civil infraction citations
1-20 Designation of municipal civil infractions
1-21 Repeal
1-22 – 1-130 Reserved
1-131 Representation by City officers, employees of persons before City agencies
1-132 Participation in making decisions relative to contracts with public entities or beneficial to officer or employee
1-133 Confidential information
1-134 Officers, employees not to use City personnel, resources, property or funds for personal gain or benefit
1-135 Profiting from official position, authority or knowledge
1-136 Accepting employment or rendering services for private or public interest
1-137 Waiver of restrictions
1-138 Notification of violation of ordinances required
1-139 Forfeiture of office
1-140 Political activities of City employees
1-141 Same — prohibited during duty hours; limitation on activities connected with community groups
1-142 Disclosure of conflict of personal interest; sworn statement
1-143 Same — same — contents of statement
1-144 Same — same — when statement to be filed
1-145 Annual disclosure by elective officers of employer, business and real property interests, gifts and other sources of income
1-146 Same — alternative to statement
1-147 Same — statement filed to satisfy requirements
1-148 Disclosure by candidates for elective office of employer, business and real property interests and gifts
1-149 Same — alternative to statement
1-150 City employee to take a leave of absence without pay upon complying with filing requirements for elective officer
1-151 City employee to resign from employment upon taking elective office
1-152 Compliance with Campaign Financing Act required
1-153 Copy of reports to County Clerk involving candidates to be filed with City Clerk
1-154 Copy of reports to County Clerk involving city issues to be filed with City Clerk
1-155 Failure to comply not to prevent seeking or holding office
1-156 Persons acting on behalf of another to influence official act of City to file statement of representation upon request
1-157 Persons representing others in attempt to influence official act of City required to disclose name of person represented upon request
1-158 Gifts to City officers or employees
1-159 Reporting expenditures incurred in course of attempting to influence official acts of City
1-160 Form of subpoena by Ombudsman
1-161 Refusal to comply with subpoena prohibited
1-162 Ombudsman; sick leave, extended sick leave, continuing absence, appointment of a temporary Ombudsman
1-163 Temporary Ombudsman; compensation
The ordinances embraced in the following chapters and sections shall constitute and be designated “The Code of the City of Flint, Michigan” and may be so cited. The Code may also be cited as “Flint City Code.”
Statutory reference:
Authority to City to codify its ordinances, see MCLA 117.5b