   4-1   Intent and purpose
   4-2   Definitions
   4-3   Installation permit required
   4-4   Information required on application for installation permit
   4-5   Authority of agents
   4-6   Processing of applications and issuance or denial of permits
   4-7   Certificate of operation
   4-8   Permit system exemptions
   4-9   Standards for density of emissions
   4-10   Grading visible emissions
   4-11   Fugitive air contaminant emissions
   4-12   Objectionable odor prohibited
   4-13   Open burning
   4-14   Emission of particulate matters
   4-15   Air contaminant or water vapor, when prohibited
   4-16   Diluting and concealing emissions
   4-17   Malfunction of equipment; scheduled maintenance; reporting
   4-18   Tests for approval of certificates of operation
   4-19   Notification and reports of tests by owner
   4-20   Tests by Director
   4-21   Methods and procedures
   4-22   Air cleaning devices
   4-23   Collected air contaminants
   4-24   Enforcement
   4-25   Violation; investigation and complaint; voluntary agreements; consent orders
   4-26   Additional powers of Director
   4-27   Air Pollution Appeal Board
   4-28   Consideration of appeals
   4-29   Filing of appeal; notice and hearing
   4-30   Composition of Board; appointment, term, compensation of members; Secretary
   4-31   Organization, rules, meetings, minutes and records of Board
   4-32   Quorum of Board; vote of majority necessary to reverse decision and the like; entered upon record
   4-33   Duty of City departments to assist
   4-34   Application for variances; fee; processing applications
   4-35   Suspension of enforcement; reasons; variance
   4-36   Factors considered in granting variance
   4-37   Granting variance for hardship
   4-38   Period for which variance granted; reports; conditions
   4-39   Revocation or modification of variance; public hearing; notice
   4-40   Severability
   4-41   Repealer
   4-42   Penalties