General Administration
   30.001   County Judge/Executive
   30.002   Appointment procedures for Deputy Judge/Executive
   30.003   Procedures for appointment/removal of administrative personnel and members of boards and commissions
   30.004   Procedures for organization/reorganization of county departments and agencies
   30.005   Procedures and reports to Fiscal Court by county administrative agencies and public authorities
   30.006   Executive committee
Financial Management
   30.020   Budget preparation procedures
   30.021   Budget hearing procedures and requirements
   30.022   Procedures and duties of the County Treasurer
   30.023   Procedures for fiscal administration
   30.024   Claims against the county
Personnel Administration
   30.035   Statement of purpose
   30.036   Personnel administration
   30.037   Scope of coverage
   30.038   Personnel records
   30.039   False credentials
   30.040   Suggestion system
   30.041   Employment of relatives (nepotism)
   30.042   Orientation of newly employed personnel
   30.043   Equal opportunity
   30.044   ADA statement
   30.045   Classification plan
   30.046   Amendments
   30.047   Status of employment
   30.048   County pay plan
   30.049   Pay plan administration
   30.050   Hours of work
   30.051   Overtime
   30.052   Workweek
   30.053   Wage increases
   30.054   Placement policy
   30.055   Methods for filling vacancies
   30.056   Announcement of vacancies
   30.057   Applications and forms
   30.058   Certification of eligibility for position
   30.059   Initial probation period (introductory)
   30.060   Transfers
   30.061   Promotion
   30.062   Disciplinary action
   30.063   Resignations
   30.064   Reinstatement and rehires
   30.065   Retirement
   30.066   Examinations (medical)
   30.067   Political activity
   30.068   Lunch break
   30.069   Layoff
   30.070   Gifts and gratuities
   30.071   Personal conduct, appearance and hygiene
   30.072   Safety and injuries
   30.073   Harassment/sexual harassment
   30.074   Drug-free work place
   30.075   Drug- and alcohol-free work place and substance abuse policy
   30.076   Holidays
   30.077   Vacation
   30.078   Sick leave
   30.079   Sick leave sharing policy
   30.080   Disability leave
   30.081   Parental leave
   30.082   Bereavement (funeral) leave
   30.083   Special leave
   30.084   Military leave
   30.085   Jury duty
   30.086   Voting leave
   30.087   Blood donation leave
   30.088   Inclement weather leave
   30.089   Health insurance
   30.090   Retirement benefits
   30.091   Unemployment insurance
   30.092   Workers’ compensation
   30.093   Expense reimbursement
   30.094   Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993
   30.095   Training and career development
   30.096   Performance evaluations
   30.097   Grievance procedure
   30.098   Classification plan
   30.099   Compensation plan
   30.100   Classification of employees
   30.101   Use of a county vehicle
   30.102   County issued property
   30.103   Commercial driver's license training expenses and conditions of employment agreement
Purchases and Contracts
   30.115   Authorization of county contracts
   30.116   Selection of vendors and contractors (procedures for sealed bidding)
   30.117   Procedures for determinations of qualifications of bidders
   30.118   Procedures prerequisite to use of negotiated process
   30.119   Procedures for negotiated process
   30.120   Small purchase procedures
   30.121   Storage and inventory control
   30.122   Procedures for disposition of surplus property
   30.123   Sole source procurement
   30.124   Federal fund procurement
   30.125   Effect of federal grants upon public purchasing units
Delivery of County Services
   30.135   Establishment of County Road Department
   30.136   Duties of the Road Supervisor
   30.137   County road inventory/condition
   30.138   Specifications for county roads
   30.139   Other county services
Operation of County Fiscal Court
   30.150   Procedures for meetings of Fiscal Court
   30.151   Presiding officer
   30.152   Quorum
   30.153   Order of business
   30.154   Fiscal Court records and minutes
   30.155   Ordinances, orders and resolutions
Other County Policies
   30.170   Equal opportunity
   30.171   County investment policy
   30.172   Department of Planning, Zoning and Building Code Enforcement
   30.173   Acceptable uses of the internet and county e-mail
   30.174   Protection of personal information
Editor’s note:
The following ordinances have amended this chapter: Ord. 7-2015, effective 10-16-2015; Ord. 1-2016, effective 3-8-2016; Ord. 2-2016, effective 3-8-2016; Ord. 10-2016, effective 7-1-2016; Ord. 11-2016, effective 6-24-2016; Ord. 3-2017, effective 8-10-2017; Ord. 6-2017, effective 10-13-2017; Ord. 7-2017, effective 10-13-2017; Ord. 14-2018, effective 8-10-2018. The historical information of any amendments to this chapter passed after August 2018 will be included directly after the section affected.