(A)   During the county budget preparation process, the Fiscal Court shall conduct a public hearing on the County Road Aid (CRA) Fund. The procedure shall be as follows:
      (1)   Publish notice of the proposed use hearing on the CRA Fund at least seven days, but no more than 21 days, in advance of the scheduled hearing; and
      (2)   Copies of the published notice and written minutes of the hearing shall be maintained by the County Judge/Executive as public record.
   (B)   Prior to adoption of the county budget and submittal to the state’s Local Finance Officer, a budget hearing shall be conducted by the Fiscal Court on the Local Government Economic Assistance (LGEA) Fund. The hearing process required for the adoption of these two funds may be coordinated in such a manner that both requirements (CRA and LGEA) are addressed at the same hearing. The proceedings for LGEA hearing shall be as follows.
      (1)   Notice of the budget hearing shall be published at least seven days, but no more than 21 days, prior to the schedule hearing.
      (2)   Copies of the published notice and written minutes of the hearing shall be maintained by the County Judge/Executive.
(Ord. 4-2014, passed 7-31-2014, § 2.2)