(A)   The County Fiscal Court, in accordance with KRS 179.470, may accept roads into the county road system.
   (B)   Prior to Fiscal Court consideration of a road for acceptance into the county road system, the County Road Supervisor shall certify that the following specifications have been met or exceeded:
      (1)   Surveyed legal description of the proposed road prepared by a licensed state-registered surveyor;
      (2)   A copy of all property owner’s deeds and property of good, marketable and fee simple title in the property of the owners proposing to deed the road right-of-way to the county;
      (3)   Certification by the property owners that fences, buildings, gates and cattle gates have been removed from the proposed county road right-of-way;
      (4)   Acceptable road specifications shall be recommended by the road supervisor and approved by the County Fiscal Court regarding, but not limited to, right-of-way width, pavement width, pavement specifications and grade and drain;
      (5)   The road shall be properly ditched and tiled with cross-drain pipes of adequate size and road banks stabilized in grass or other suitable ground cover;
      (6)   Once a road has been accepted into the county road system the county shall be obligated to maintain the road. This maintenance will only be performed within the county’s right-of-way or where easements have been granted by property owners; and
      (7)   The adoption of minimum standards of construction for all roads which may be included within the county road system and accepted for any future maintenance by the county is contained in Ch. 151 of this code of ordinances. Any future amendments shall be considered ratified and incorporated as part of this chapter.
(Ord. 4-2014, passed 7-31-2014, § 5.4)