(A)   Employees who donate blood at any licensed blood center certified by the Food and Drug Administration during regularly-scheduled work hours are entitled to four hours leave with pay. Blood donation must be made during the employee’s scheduled work hours, not including the employee’s lunch hour. The employee must request leave for blood donation in advance and furnish a written statement from the blood mobile verifying that the employee gave blood. This will be retained in the employee’s file with the payroll officer. Leave time must be taken at the time of donation unless circumstances require the employee to return to work. In this case, the unused portion of leave time will be credited as compensatory time. No compensatory time will be granted if the employee is not required to return to work.
   (B)   Employees not accepted as blood donors must promptly return to their work stations, but will not be charged for the time spent attempting to donate.
(Ord. 4-2014, passed 7-31-2014, § 3.53)