§ 385.02 Permits and Plans Required
   (a)   A permit from the Fire Chief shall be required whenever flammable finishes are applied to objects by spraying or dipping or highly flammable finishes are applied by brushing, flow coating or roller coating, and more than one (1) gallon of flammable finishing material is used on any working day, or more than five (5) gallons of flammable finishing material are stored for use.
   (b)   Whenever a permit is required for installations made or installations altered after June 27, 1949, and before a permit is issued, floor plans showing the proposed arrangement of all equipment, storage rooms and mixing rooms, and the provisions for ventilation and fire protection, shall first be submitted to and approved by the Chief and the Commissioner of Air Pollution Control.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)