Title I: Nuisances and General Provisions
   Chapter 201   Enforcement and Penalty
   Chapter 203   Nuisance Abatement
   Chapter 204   Nuclear Materials
   Chapter 205   Animals and Fowl
   Chapter 207   Marinas
   Chapter 209   Property Nuisance
   Chapter 211   Vermin and Rodent Infestation
   Chapter 213   Swimming Pools, Spas and Special Use Pools
   Chapter 215   Transient Residential Buildings
   Chapter 217   Trailer Parks
   Chapter 219   Pest Control Operators
   Chapter 221   Food Rendering Establishments
   Chapter 223   Public Laundries
   Chapter 225   Barber Shops, Body Piercing, and Tattooing Establishments
   Chapter 227   Day Care Centers
   Chapter 229   Nursing and Rest Homes
   Chapter 231   Abortions
   Chapter 233   Deaths
   Chapter 234   Construction and Demolition Debris Facility Tipping Fees
   Chapter 235   Smoking Ban – City Property
   Chapter 236   Requirements to Implement Dine Safe Ohio Order
   Chapter 237   Adult Video Arcades and Adult Live Entertainment Arcades
   Chapter 238   Sanitization after COVID-19 Positive Employee
   Chapter 239   Posting of Signs Warning Against Consuming Alcoholic Beverages During Pregnancy
   Chapter 240   Lead Hazards
Title III: Food and Food Products
   Chapter 241   Food Shops
   Chapter 243   Ohio Uniform Food Safety Code
   Chapter 245   Frozen Desserts
Title V: Air Pollution Control
   Chapter 251   Definitions
   Chapter 253   Ambient Air Quality Standards
   Chapter 255   Administrative
   Chapter 257   Installation and Modification Permits
   Chapter 259   Operation Permits and Variances
   Chapter 261   Exemptions
   Chapter 263   Fees
   Chapter 265   Visible Air Contaminant Limitations
   Chapter 267   Odors
   Chapter 269   Particulate Limitations
   Chapter 271   Sulfur Compounds Limitations
   Chapter 273   Hydrocarbon Limitations
   Chapter 275   Carbon Monoxide Limitations
   Chapter 277   Miscellaneous Limitations
   Chapter 279   Procedures and Other Requirements
   Chapter 281   Hazardous Air Pollutants
   Chapter 283   Emergency Episodes
   Chapter 285   Testing and Monitoring Equipment
   Chapter 287   Penalties
   Chapter 289   Constitutionality
   Chapter 291   Advisory Committee
   Appendices A, B, C, D