§ 385.75 Debris from Demolition
   (a)   All waste materials and debris shall be removed promptly and shall not be stored in any location where they may create a fire hazard or obstruct access for fire fighting or obstruct the use of a sidewalk or roadway beyond the extent authorized by permit. Dry material and rubbish shall be wetted down when necessary to lay dust or prevent it from being blown about.
   (b)   Salamanders and similar heating devices, shall be used in conformity with statutes and the provisions of ANSI Standard A 10.21 entitled “Safety Code for Building Construction.”
   (c)   No combustible material shall be stored in such quantity and in such location that unprotected steel or concrete supported by combustible formwork would be endangered thereby in the event of fire.
   (d)   Whenever combustible concrete forms are used and whenever combustible material is stored at any floor level, approved hand fire extinguishing equipment or approved connected first-aid hose, as directed by the Fire Chief, shall be provided and maintained at all floors where such combustible materials are in use or stored.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)