(a) After June 27, 1949, any building or other structure used for acetylene manufacturing for sale, or for compression and dissolving of acetylene, or for storage of charged cylinders in connection therewith, and not previously used for such purpose prior to June 27, 1949, shall be distant not less than one hundred fifty (150) feet from every other building not in the same ownership and not in use for a similar or accessory purpose, and not less than one hundred fifty (150) feet from any line on adjoining property on which a building or other structure may be built.
(b) Every building or part of a building used for acetylene manufacturing for sale or for the charging of cylinders for the storing of charged cylinders in connection therewith, shall be separated from any part of such building used for any other purpose by an occupancy separation having a fire resistance rating of not less than four (4) hours.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
(a) The storage of calcium carbide and the generation and use of acetylene shall conform to the provisions of this Fire Prevention Code and other applicable ordinances and accepted safe practice. When deemed necessary the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals may promulgate rules or regulations supplementary to this Code to further define accepted safe practice. In the absence of such supplementary rules or regulations conformity with the applicable provisions of NFPA Standard No. 51 entitled “Welding and Cutting, Oxygen-Fuel Gas” shall be accepted as conformity with accepted safe practice.
(b) When deemed necessary for safety to life or property, the Fire Chief may require compliance with any requirement or recommendation of NFPA Standard No. 51.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)