§ 385.19 Rules and Regulations
   The Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals shall formulate rules and regulations for the storage, handling and use of liquefied petroleum gases and for the design, construction, location, installation and operation of liquefied petroleum gas systems which substantially conform to the recognized standards of safety to persons and property and to the standards of design, construction and safety of the American Insurance Association and the National Fire Protection Association. Nothing contained herein shall be construed so as to permit the use or storage of liquefied petroleum gas where prohibited by the Zoning Code.
(Ord. No. 520-53. Passed 4-5-54, eff. 4-12-54)
§ 385.20 Definition and Specification; Scope of Provisions
   (a)   Substances which, when in contact with moisture or water, react so as to create an explosion or fire hazard shall be classified as moisture hazard substances.
   (b)   The provisions of this section and Section 385.21 shall, however, apply only to moisture hazard substances normally stored and handled in solid, granular or powder form.
   (c)   Moisture hazard substances subject to the provisions of this section shall include, among others, the following:
   Aluminum powder;
   Barium peroxide;
   Calcium carbide;
   Metallic calcium;
   Magnesium powder;
   Phosphorous pentasulphide;
   Metallic potassium;
   Potassium peroxide;
   Metallic sodium;
   Sodium peroxide;
   Strontium peroxide;
   Zinc powder.
   (d)   Provisions governing the use and handling of calcium carbide are included in Sections 385.22 to 385.29. Provisions governing storage and handling of certain corrosive liquids which are also moisture hazardous, such as nitric acid and sulphur acid, are included in Sections 385.46 to 385.51.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)