§ 385.23 Prohibited Uses and Methods of Storage
   (a)   Calcium carbide and acetylene generated therefrom shall not be used for interior lighting, room or space heating or cooking.
   (b)   No person shall generate, transport, store or sell acetylene compressed to a pressure greater than fifteen (15) pounds to the square inch except when it is dissolved in acetone or other suitable medium and confined in a cylinder conforming to the specifications of the Interstate Commerce Commission. All such cylinders shall be, or shall have been, tested at the time of manufacture, and no cylinders shall be used which do not meet such test requirements.
   (c)   No person shall compress and dissolve acetylene so that the solution pressure exceeds two hundred fifty (250) psi at seventy degrees Fahrenheit (70°F), or transport, store or sell dissolved acetylene when the solution pressure exceeds such pressure at seventy degrees Fahrenheit (70°F).
   (d)   No person shall transfer any portion of the contents of one (1) acetylene cylinder into another acetylene cylinder or mix any other gas with acetylene in an acetylene cylinder.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)