383.01 Scope and Application
383.02 Classification
383.03 Definitions
383.04 Conditions Requiring Permits
383.05 Storage Limitations when Not in Fire- Resistive Rooms
383.06 Storage in Dwellings and Row Houses
383.07 Storage in Garages
383.08 Storage in Multiple Dwellings
383.09 Storage in Business Occupancy
383.10 Storage in Mercantile Occupancy
383.11 Storage in Storage Occupancy
383.12 Storage in Industrial Occupancy
383.13 Storage in Institutional Occupancy
383.14 Storage in Assembly Occupancy
383.15 Storage in Educational Occupancy
383.16 Storage During Demolition or Building Moving
383.17 Storage in Stores and Mercantile Establishments
383.18 Storage in Fire-Resistive Storage Rooms
383.19 Storage and Handling of Class I and Class II Liquids
383.20 Tanks for Class I or Class II Liquid Buried Within Buildings
383.21 Storage Tanks for Class III Liquids Within Buildings
383.22 Underground Tanks Outside Buildings
383.23 Installation of Underground Tanks
383.24 Above-Ground Storage in Tanks of Class I, II or III Liquid
383.25 Fire Extinguishing Equipment for Above- Ground Storage Tanks
383.26 Dikes
383.27 Above-Ground Outdoor Storage of Flammable Liquids in Barrels, Drums or Other Containers
383.28 Materials, Construction and Equipment of Storage Tanks and Containers
383.29 Tank Car and Tank Truck Loading Docks
383.30 Processing Equipment
383.31 Processing Room Ventilation
383.32 Piping, Valves and Pumps
383.33 Marking and Labeling Storage Areas
383.34 Yard Hydrant Systems
383.35 Storage of Flammable Liquids Subject to Drug Abuse
383.36 Appeal
Statutory reference:
Gasoline, oils and paints, RC Ch. 3741
Underground storage tanks, RC 3737.87 et seq.
Gasoline, oils and paints, RC Ch. 3741
Underground storage tanks, RC 3737.87 et seq.
(a) The provisions of this chapter shall govern the use, handling, storage and sale of flammable liquids, and the products thereof, having a flash point of two hundred degrees Fahrenheit (200°F) or less; except that this chapter applies to fuel oil installations and fuel oil storage in connection with oil-burning equipment used for the heating of buildings and for similar purposes only as specified in Chapter 3155.
(b) After June 27, 1949, all new installations and new storage of flammable liquid and all use and handling thereof shall be in conformity with this chapter.
(c) When existing installations or methods of storage do not conform to the provisions of this chapter and are deemed unusually hazardous to life or to adjacent property by the Fire Chief, such installations and methods of storage shall be altered or changed to substantially conform with the provisions of this chapter.
(d) The use, handling and storage of flammable liquid having a vapor pressure above fifteen (15) psi absolute pressure, at one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (100°F), shall be under special permit only, and in conformity with the conditions of the permit prescribed by the Fire Chief.
(e) The use, handling and storage of combustible liquid with a flash point over two hundred degrees Fahrenheit (200°F) shall be in conformity with accepted safe practice as approved by the Fire Chief. When deemed necessary, the Board of Building Standards and Building Appeals may promulgate rules or regulations to define accepted safe practice in the use, handling and storage of such combustible liquid.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
(a) For the purposes of this chapter, “flammable liquid” means liquid having a flash point of two hundred degrees Fahrenheit (200°F) or less and having a vapor pressure less than forty (40) psi absolute pressure at one hundred degrees Fahrenheit (100°F). Flammable liquids shall be divided into three (3) classes, according to the flash point, as follows:
(1) Class I Liquids with flash point at or below twenty degrees Fahrenheit (20°F), Tag. closed cup tester.
(2) Class II Liquids with flash point above twenty degrees Fahrenheit (20°F) to seventy degrees Fahrenheit (70°F) Tag. closed cup tester.
(3) Class III Liquids with flash point from seventy degrees Fahrenheit (70°F) to two hundred degrees Fahrenheit (200°F), Tag. closed cup tester or, for thick paints or paint vehicles, or other liquids having a flash point above one hundred seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit (175°F), Pensky-Martens closed tester.
(b) “Flash point” means the minimum temperature, in degrees Fahrenheit, at which a flammable liquid will give off vapor sufficient to form an ignitable mixture in the air immediately above the liquid or in the vessel in which the liquid is stored. All tests for flash point shall be made in accordance with ASTM D 56, except that pigmented and thick paints or paint vehicles, and liquids having a flash point above one hundred seventy-five degrees Fahrenheit (175°F), may be tested and classified in accordance with ASTM D 93.
(c) Representative examples of classes of flammable liquids are:
Class I | Flash Point F. (approx.) |
Class I | Flash Point F. (approx.) |
Ether | -49 |
Carbon Bisulfide | -22 |
Gasoline | -45 |
Benzol | 12 |
Collodion | 0 |
Acetone | 0 |
Class II
Flash Point F. (approx.) |
Alcohol (Ethyl) | 55 |
Amyl Acetate | 70 |
Toluene | 40 |
Ethyl Acetate | 25 |
Naphtha V.M. & P. | 25 - 45 |
Class III
Flash Point F. (approx.) |
Kerosene | 100 - 165 |
Amyl Alcohol | 100 |
Turpentine | 95 |
Fuel Oil No. 1 | 100 - 165 |
Fuel Oil No. 2 | 110 - 190 |
Fuel Oil No. 3 | 110 - 230 |
Fuel Oil No. 4 | 150 and more |
(d) Any manufactured liquid or fluid which is flammable, such as paint, varnish, dryer, cleaning solution or polishing liquid, shall be classified according to the flash point of the mixture.
(f) The Police Chief and such members of the Police Division as may be designated by him or her shall designate flammable liquids in addition to the designation in subsection (g) hereof which are subject to drug abuse. The Police Chief shall make his or her determination in consultation with the Fire Chief as to what flammable liquids are subject to drug abuse on the basis of information provided to the Police Chief by such members of the Police Division as may be designated by him or her. The following information, including but not limited to the following, is relevant in determining that a flammable liquid is subject to drug abuse:
(1) Possession of the liquid is a crime as provided in Chapter 607;
(2) Arrests have been made for possession, use, and abuse of the liquid as provided in Chapter 607;
(3) Theft and burglary offenses have been committed to obtain the liquid for drug abuse purposes;
(g) Toluene, also known as tuleol, is hereby designated as a flammable liquid which is subject to drug abuse.
(h) The Police Chief or his or her designated representative may, from time to time, add to or delete flammable liquids from the list of drug abuse substances promulgated in subsection (g) hereof and pursuant to this section. Notice of additions or deletions to the list of flammable liquids subject to drug abuse shall be published in the City Record for two (2) consecutive weeks.
(Ord. No. 2864-78. Passed 1-29-79, eff. 1-30-79)