§ 385.64 Display of Pyroxylin Plastic Products for Sale
   (a)   For the purposes of this Fire Prevention Code, pyroxylin plastic products shall be divided into two (2) classes as follows:
      (1)   Class “A” articles shall be those made from material over one-tenth (1/10) of an inch thick and not finely divided during manufacture into teeth, scroll work or projections.
      (2)   Class “B” articles shall be those not coming within the above Class “A,” and shall include articles of an individual weight of one-half (1/2) ounce or less, regardless of the thickness of material from which they are made.
   (b)   All display for sale of pyroxylin plastic products in stores or other mercantile establishments, and in wholesale jobbing establishments, warehouses or elsewhere, shall be in showcases or show windows except as follows:
      (1)   Articles may be placed on tables not more than four (4) feet wide and ten (10) feet long spaced not less than three (3) feet apart. Where articles are displayed on counters they shall be arranged in like manner.
      (2)   The spaces underneath such tables or counters shall be kept free of storage of any kind and of accumulations of paper, refuse or other combustible material.
      (3)   Class “A” articles shall be arranged in single layers with at least one (1) inch separation between each article. Articles consisting of two (2) or more pieces shall be considered as a single article.
      (4)   Class “B” articles shall not be arranged on display tables in more than two (2) layers except in case of articles which are tied together such as bundles of combs. Such latter articles shall be limited to a single layer of individual packages.
      (5)   No sales or display table shall be located so that in the event of fire at such table, the table will interfere with free exit from the room in at least one (1) direction.
   (c)   Lighting shall be so arranged that radiated heat will not cause dangerous increases in temperature of the displayed articles, and lamps shall be protected so that hot particles will not fall upon the plastic products should a lamp or lamps be broken.
   (d)   Wherever pyroxylin plastic products are displayed for sale there shall be a sign, prominently placed, marked “PYROXYLIN – FLAMMABLE” in letters not less than three-fourths (3/4) inch in height.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)