Spray Booths, Dip Tanks and Bake Ovens
385.01   Scope and Application of Provisions
385.02   Permits and Plans Required
385.03   Storage and Mixing of Flammable Finishing Material
385.04   Containers for Flammable Finishes
385.05   Dope in Hangar
385.06   Ventilation
385.07   Lighting and Electrical Equipment
385.08   Maintenance and Construction
385.09   Open Flames and Heating
385.10   Grounding
385.11   Fire Extinguishing Equipment
385.12   Motor Vehicles
385.13   Spraying and Booth Requirements
385.14   Dip Tanks
385.15   Drying Ovens
385.16   Fire and Explosion Venting
385.17   Supplementary Rules and Regulations
Liquified Petroleum Gases
385.18   Scope and Application of Provisions; Permits; Certificates of Qualification
385.19   Rules and Regulations
Moisture Hazard Substances
385.20   Definition and Specification; Scope of Provisions
385.21   Storage and Handling
Calcium Carbide and Acetylene
385.22   Permits Required
385.23   Prohibited Uses and Methods of Storage
385.24   Storage of Calcium Carbide
385.25   All Storage to Be Above Grade Level
385.26   Retail Sale of Calcium Carbide
385.27   Marking of Doors
385.28   Acetylene Manufacturing for Sale
385.29   Conformity to Recognized Standards
Combustible and Explosive Dusts
385.30   Scope and Application of Provisions; Technical Standards
385.31   General Requirements for Buildings
385.32   Dust Collectors and Dust Removal Systems
385.33   Explosion Venting
385.34   Existing Buildings and Structures
385.35   Flammable or Explosive Dusts
Combustible Fibers
385.36   Scope and Application of Provisions
385.37   Definition
385.38   Storage in Connection with Farming
385.39   Storage of Loose Fiber up to 500 Cubic Feet
385.40   Storage of Loose Fiber in Excess of 500 Cubic Feet
385.41   Isolated Storage Buildings for Loose Fiber
385.42   Prohibited Outdoor Storage of Loose Fiber
385.43   Storage Warehouses and Rooms for Baled Fiber
385.44   Storage of Baled Fiber in Storage Warehouses or Rooms
385.45   Required Fire Extinguishing Equipment
Corrosive Liquids, Fume Hazard Gases and Compressed Gases
385.46   Scope and Application of Provisions
385.47   Quantity Storage of Corrosive Liquids
385.48   Handling and Use of Corrosive Liquids
385.49   Quantity Storage and Use of Poisonous, Irritant, Corrosive or Fume Hazard Gases
385.50   Liquefied Chlorine
385.51   Containers for Compressed Gases
Pyroxylin Plastics
385.52   Scope and Application of Provisions
385.53   Buildings for Manufacture
385.54   Storage in Process of Manufacture
385.55   Storage Cabinets for Pyroxylin Plastic in Process of Manufacture
385.56   Cooling Pyroxylin Plastic in Process of Manufacture
385.57   Dust, Scraps and Other Refuse Material
385.58   Flammable Liquids in Manufacture
385.59   Separations Between Workmen and Material Being Worked Upon
385.60   Clearance from Hot Surfaces
385.61   Fire Extinguishing Equipment
385.62   Protection at Heating Equipment
385.63   Storage of Finished Products Contained in Boxes, Cartons, Etc.
385.64   Display of Pyroxylin Plastic Products for Sale
385.65   Supplementary Rules and Regulations
Tire Retreading or Rebuilding Plants
385.66   Permit Required
385.67   Classification as High Hazard Occupancy
385.68   Rooms for Hazardous Processes
385.69   Automatic Fire Extinguishing Equipment
Motion Picture Film
385.70   Cellulose Nitrate Motion Picture Films
Dry Cleaning and Dyeing
385.71   Storage and Use of Liquids and Solvents
Fuel Oil, Oil Burners and Oil Burning Equipment
385.72   Storage and Handling
385.73   Oil-Fired Appliances
Combustible Waste and Ashes
385.74   Storage and Handling
385.75   Debris from Demolition
385.76   Outdoor Storage of Combustibles
385.77   Combustible Material Used on Signs
385.78   Hazardous Substances
385.79   Christmas and Temporary Displays
385.80   Manufacture and Storage
Flammable Finishes
385.81   Bowling Alley Resurfacing and Pin Refinishing
Vehicle Impact Protection
385.82   Guard Posts
   Fire Chief approval required, CO 3105.11
   Tank truck delivery of LP gases, CO 381.13
Statutory reference:
   Underground storage tanks, RC 3737.87 et seq.
§ 385.01 Scope and Application of Provisions
   (a)   Except as provided in subsection (c) hereof, the provisions of Sections 385.01 to 385.17 shall apply to equipment, installations and storage for, and the application of, flammable finishes by spraying or dipping, and shall also apply to the processes incidental to the application of flammable finishes, such as drying or baking.
   (b)   Except as provided in subsection (c) hereof, the applicable provisions of Sections 385.01 to 385.17 shall also govern the equipment, installations and storage for, and the application of flammable finishes by brushing, flow coating or roller coating whenever the volatility or flammability of the finishing material, or the manner or extent of the application of the finishing material, creates a fire or health hazard comparable to or greater than that created by spraying or dipping.
   (c)   The provisions of Sections 385.01 to 385.17 shall not apply to the interior or exterior finishing of buildings or other structures, nor to the occasional use in a safe manner of small portable spraying equipment where the quantity of finishing material used on any working day does not exceed one (1) gallon.
   (d)   As used in this Fire Prevention Code, “finishing room” means a room in which flammable finishes are applied to objects by spraying or dipping or in which highly flammable finishes are applied to objects by brushing, flow coating or roller coating.
   (e)   Sections 3155.46 to 3155.69 shall govern blower and exhaust systems installed for the purpose of removing or conveying flammable vapors, including paint spraying residues, by means of air either under positive pressure or exhaust suction.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
§ 385.02 Permits and Plans Required
   (a)   A permit from the Fire Chief shall be required whenever flammable finishes are applied to objects by spraying or dipping or highly flammable finishes are applied by brushing, flow coating or roller coating, and more than one (1) gallon of flammable finishing material is used on any working day, or more than five (5) gallons of flammable finishing material are stored for use.
   (b)   Whenever a permit is required for installations made or installations altered after June 27, 1949, and before a permit is issued, floor plans showing the proposed arrangement of all equipment, storage rooms and mixing rooms, and the provisions for ventilation and fire protection, shall first be submitted to and approved by the Chief and the Commissioner of Air Pollution Control.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
§ 385.03 Storage and Mixing of Flammable Finishing Material
   (a)   The storage of flammable finishing material not in actual use, within finishing rooms, shall be restricted as follows:
      (1)   Not to exceed twenty (20) gallons, with no container exceeding one (1) gallon capacity, may be stored on a substantial shelf with suitable guard strips to prevent containers from falling at a height not less than four (4) feet above the floor level; provided that in no case shall the quantity so stored exceed that required for one (1) day’s operations.
      (2)   Not more than fifty (50) gallons, with no container exceeding five (5) gallons capacity, may be stored within a standard storage cabinet as specified in Section 3129.43(d).
   (b)   Quantities in excess of those permitted in subsections (a)(1) and (2) hereof shall be stored outside the finishing room in separate rooms conforming to the provisions of Section 3129.43(c), or in another approved manner permitted by this Fire Prevention Code.
   (c)   Containers with a total capacity not exceeding five (5) gallons may be opened and their contents mixed in a finishing room during such times as the ventilating system is in operation; the mixing of flammable finishes from containers exceeding a total capacity of five (5) gallons shall be done only in rooms conforming to the provisions of Section 3129.43(c), or in special mixing rooms of equivalent construction, except that flammable liquid may be added to dip tanks, or to pressure tanks used for spraying, by pumping from approved containers not exceeding sixty (60) gallon capacity.
   (d)   Receptacles containing flammable finishes shall be kept tightly covered whenever practicable.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
§ 385.04 Containers for Flammable Finishes
   (a)   All storage containers of flammable finishes shall be of metal suitably constructed to prevent leakage.
   (b)   Containers used as part of spraying equipment shall be of metal except that glass containers not exceeding one (1) pint capacity, and properly guarded containers with glass inner linings not exceeding one (1) gallon capacity, may be used.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
§ 385.05 Dope in Hangar
   Application of dope or other flammable finishes indoors shall be only in separate isolated buildings and under approved safeguards.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
§ 385.06 Ventilation
   (a)   Unless suitable ventilated spray booths are used for all finishing operations, finishing rooms shall be continuously ventilated mechanically when in use. Ventilation shall be adequate to prevent fire and health hazards and the provisions therefor shall be subject to the approval of the Fire Chief and the Commissioner of Air Pollution Control. Ventilation shall be such that the percentage of flammable vapor present in any room or exhaust duct at anytime shall not exceed one-fifth (1/5) the lower explosive limit and that toxicity will be reduced by dilution to a safe concentration.
   (b)   Exhaust outlets in finishing rooms shall be located at the level where flammable vapors accumulate and generally not more than five (5) feet above the floor level, and shall discharge directly outside the building in an approved location. Stacks and ducts shall be of incombustible material and constructed so that there will be no leakage of flammable vapor therefrom. Exhaust ducts of metal shall be constructed of not lighter than twenty (20) U.S. gauge. Exhaust ducts shall be kept not less than six (6) inches from combustible surfaces and shall have approved incombustible ventilating thimbles where passing through combustible floor, wall or roof construction. Where such exhaust ducts extend through other stories of a building, they shall be enclosed with incombustible enclosures having a fire resistance rating of not less than two (2) hours. The discharge outlets of exhaust ducts shall be located so that the discharge of vapors or residue therefrom or, in the event of fire, the discharge of flame, hot gases or smoke, shall not create a hazardous fire, fume or smoke condition or nuisance. All such exhaust systems shall be independent of all other ventilating systems and shall conform to the applicable provisions of Sections 3155.75 to 3155.77.
   (c)   So far as practicable, all exhaust ducts shall be installed without ledges or crevices in which paint residue may lodge. Provisions shall be made to permit cleaning the interiors of such exhaust ducts. Such provisions shall include access openings at the bottom of every vertical riser and access openings, spaced not more than twenty (20) feet on centers, in horizontal sections.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)
§ 385.07 Lighting and Electrical Equipment
   (a)   Artificial lighting in finishing rooms, spray rooms, spray booths and dipping rooms shall be by electricity only. Except as provided in subsection (b) hereof, all electric wiring and equipment in rooms where flammable finishing materials are applied shall be in conformity with the provisions of Chapter 3161, governing installations in hazardous locations.
   (b)   Where spraying is done in properly arranged and ventilated spray booths, portions of the finishing room more than twenty (20) feet from such booths need not be considered as hazardous locations in determining requirements for electrical installations unless such portions are so classified as the result of other operations. In the area within twenty (20) feet of properly arranged and ventilated spray booths, provisions governing electrical installations in hazardous locations may be modified to allow motors of the totally enclosed type or of the open-induction type having no brushes, make or break contacts, collects or other arcing or sparking parts, and to allow lamps of the enclosed vapor-tight type.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)