§ 385.14 Dip Tanks
   (a)   Dip tanks having an area in excess of ten (10) square feet shall be provided with approved fixed automatic fire extinguishing equipment or approved incombustible manually operative proper fitting covers arranged to close automatically in case of fire. Dip tanks ten (10) square feet or less in area shall be provided with suitable incombustible covers or with asbestos blankets which can be placed over the tanks, or with approved automatic fire extinguishing equipment.
   (b)   All rooms in which dip tanks are installed shall conform to the applicable provisions of Section 3129.43(c), and the enclosures of such rooms shall have not less than the minimum fire resistance specified therein.
   (c)   All rooms in which dip tanks are installed shall be located above grade level. During nonoperating periods all dip tanks shall be covered, or drained and cleaned.
   (d)   All dip tanks having a liquid surface of twenty-five (25) square feet or over shall be provided with trapped drainpipes and manually operative valves arranged to operate automatically in case of fire to drain the contents of the dip tanks into drain tanks installed in an approved location, preferably outside of the building.
   (e)   Whenever the liquid used in a dip tank and the exposed face area thereof are such that a fire or health hazard is created, the ventilation specified in Section 385.06 shall be provided at the dip tank or tanks.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)