393.01 Application
393.02 Scope of Coverage
393.03 Definitions
393.04 Master List of Toxic and Hazardous Substances
393.05 Hazard Determination and Communication Program
393.06 Labels and Placards
393.07 Employer Filing Requirements
393.08 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)
393.09 Employee Training Program
393.10 Duties of the Fire Division
393.11 Registration and Fees
393.12 Variances
393.13 Remedies Available to Law Director
393.14 Conflict and Invalidity
393.15 Separability
393.16 Hazardous Chemicals Committee
393.17 Trade Secrets
393.18 Employee Rights
393.19 Sunset Division
393.20 Effective Dates
393.21 Confidentiality Agreement
393.99 Penalties
Fire Division, CO 135.21 et seq.
Fire Division, CO 135.21 et seq.
Statutory reference:
Labeling of Hazardous Materials, RC Ch. 3716
Labeling of Hazardous Materials, RC Ch. 3716