§ 385.33 Explosion Venting
   (a)   All rooms or spaces in which combustible or explosive dust may accumulate shall have provisions for explosion venting in conformity with the following minimum requirements:
   Minimum Requirements for Explosion Venting
Type of Building or Structure
Cu. ft. of Building Content for each sq. ft. of Vent Area Provided
Heavy reinforced concrete construction
Light reinforced concrete or steel construction, with masonry exterior walls
Light steel frame or incombustible construction having little explosion resistance
   (b)   The requirements prescribed in subsection (a) hereof shall apply to dust having explosion characteristics similar to grain dust. For dust which produces greater explosion pressures, larger vent areas shall be provided as specified in the applicable standard listed in Section 385.30 and as approved by the Fire Chief.
   (c)   In enclosed processing equipment, spray drying chambers and dust collectors, vent areas shall be not less than one (1) square foot for each thirty (30) cubic feet of volume unless such equipment, chambers or collectors are designed and constructed to resist explosion pressures. When such equipment, chambers or collectors are designed to resist explosion pressures, the specified vent areas may be reduced but shall be in no case less than one (1) square foot for each fifty (50) cubic feet of volume vented.
   (d)   Rooms or spaces in which dust may accumulate shall have provisions for venting consisting of hinged sash, thin glazing or light incombustible construction, installed so as to relieve explosion pressures.
   (e)   Where explosive dust may accumulate, all enclosures of belt conveyors, galleries and roofs over storage bins shall be of light incombustible construction installed so that they will serve to relieve explosion pressures.
(Ord. No. 991-49. Passed 6-27-49, eff. 6-27-49)