394.01   Purpose
394.02   Scope
394.03   Definitions
394.04   Adoption and Incorporation of Federal Regulations
394.05   Hazardous Material Subject to Regulation
394.06   Restrictions on the Use of City Streets for the Transportation of Hazardous Materials
394.07   Regulations Concerning the Operation of Motor Vehicles Carrying Hazardous Material(s); Parking Prohibited
394.08   Inspections and Investigations
394.09   Reporting Requirements
394.10   Suspension of Operations
394.11   Suspension of Regulations
394.12   Liability/Response Costs
394.13   Nuisance Abatement
394.14   Abandoned Vehicles; Nuisance
394.15   Severability
394.99   Penalty and Enforcement
   Note: Former Chapter 394 was repealed by Ord. No. 1253-07, passed 11-19-07, eff. 11-21-07.
§ 394.01 Purpose
   The purpose and intent of this chapter is to protect the public health, safety, and welfare from the potential hazards of fire, explosion, and exposure to toxic substances that accompany a hazardous materials incident by regulating the transportation of hazardous substances or material in and through the City of Cleveland, and the development and maintenance of the capability for emergency response.
(Ord. No. 1253-07. Passed 11-19-07, eff. 11-21-07)
§ 394.02 Scope
   This chapter applies to all substances or materials defined as hazardous materials in this chapter that are transported in and through the City of Cleveland. This chapter applies, in addition to all other sections of this Fire Prevention Code, all other ordinances of the City regarding hazardous substances or materials, and any rules or regulations of other City departments, boards, or commissions that apply.
(Ord. No. 1253-07. Passed 11-19-07, eff. 11-21-07)