Adopted: December 16, 1986
Effective: January 17, 1987
RULE 10.00    Definition of Terms
RULE 20.00    Administration
Section 20.01   Officers of the Commission
Section 20.02   Executive Head of Commission Staff
Section 20.03   Other Employees
Section 20.04   Special Examiners
Section 20.05   Meetings of the Commission: Quorum
Section 20.06   Minutes
Section 20.07   Officer Roster
RULE 30.00    Classification
Section 30.01   Classified Service
Section 30.02   Classification Plan
Section 30.03   Conformance to Class Duties
Section 30.04   Amending Official Classification
Section 30.05   Periodic Investigation of Classification
Section 30.06   Automatic Certification - Non-Uniform
Section 30.07   Return to Former Classification Following Reclassification of Position
RULE 40.00    Application For Examination
Section 40.01   Notice of Examination
Section 40.02   Additional Advertising
Section 40.03   Age Limits
Section 40.04   Residence
Section 40.05   Applications
Section 40.06   Filing of Applications
Section 40.07   Rejection of Applications
Section 40.08   Admission Cards
Section 40.09   Fingerprints
RULE 50.00    Examinations, Veterans' Preference
Section 50.01   Character of Examinations
Section 50.02   Types and Methods of Examination
Section 50.03   Parts of Examination
Section 50.04   Licenses Required
Section 50.05   Scheduling Examinations
Section 50.06   Postponement and Cancellation
Section 50.07   Identity of Candidates
Section 50.08   Conduct of Examinations
Section 50.09   Method of Rating
Section 50.10   Seniority Credit in Examinations
Section 50.11   Veterans' Preference Credit in Examinations
Section 50.12   Eligible List
Section 50.13   Promotional Examinations Non-Uniform
Section 50.14   Promotion by Nomination
Section 50.15   Non-Competitive Classified Service
Section 50.16   Examination Papers
Section 50.17   Promulgation of Examinations
Section 50.18   Inspection of Commission Records
Section 50.19   Police Service and Fire Service
Section 50.20   Firefighter Selection - Procedure
Section 50.21   Police Officer Selection - Procedure
Section 50.22   EMT/Paramedic and Police Officer Preference in Examinations
Section 50.23   OPOTC Certification Preferences in Examinations
RULE 60.00    Eligible Lists, Requisitions, Certifications, Appointments
Section 60.01   Eligible Lists, Duration
Section 60.02   Expiration of List
Section 60.03   Disqualification of Eligible
Section 60.04   Change of Name and/ or Address
Section 60.05   Removal from Eligible List
Section 60.06   Requisitions
Section 60.07   Investigation of Requisition
Section 60.08   Clearance with Budget Office
Section 60.09   Certification
Section 60.10   Notice of Certification
Section 60.11   Request for Waiver
Section 60.12   Appointments
Section 60.13   Temporary Employment; Seasonal Employment
Section 60.14   Provisional Appointments
Section 60.15   Provisional Appointee; Permanent Appointee After Two (2) Years
Section 60.16   Emergency Appointments
Section 60.17   Reinstatement
Section 60.18   Pro Tem Appointments
Section 60.19   Retention or Reduction of Employees of Areas acquired through Annexation or Merger of Services
RULE 70.00    Transfer, Voluntary Demotion, Service Ratings, Medical Examinations
Section 70.01   Transfers
Section 70.02   Voluntary Demotions
Section 70.03   Priority: Transfer and Voluntary Demotion Requests
Section 70.04   Service Ratings
Section 70.05   Medical Examinations
Section 70.06    Pre-Employment Criminal Background Check and Assessment
RULE 80.00    Demotion, Suspension, Removal
Section 80.01   General Limitations
Section 80.02   Suspensions (Except Fire and Police)
Section 80.03   Suspension - Procedure (Except Fire and Police)
Section 80.04   Suspension - Fire and Police
Section 80.05   Suspension - Procedure, Fire and Police
Section 80.06   Reductions and Removals
Section 80.07   Reductions and Removals Procedure
Section 80.08   Appeals to the Commission
Section 80.09   Resignation
Section 80.10   Political Activities
RULE 90.00    Re-Employment Lists
Section 90.01   Establishment of Re-Employment Lists
RULE 100.00    Payrolls
Section 100.01   Payroll Certification
RULE 110.00    Investigation and Hearings
Section 110.01   Authority to Investigate
Section 110.02   Administering Oaths; Subpoena Powers
Section 110.03   Conduct of Hearings
RULE 120.00    Unskilled Labor
Section 120.01   Eligible List and Certification
RULE 130.00    Amendments to the Rules
Section 130.01   Amendments to the Rules-Procedure
Section 130.02   Publication of Rules
Section 130.03   Previous Rules Repealed
RULE 140.00    Severability
Section 140.01   Court Invalidation of Rules
RULE 150.00    Waiver of Rules
Section 150.01   Right to Waive Rules