SECTION 60.18 Pro Tem Appointments
   Appointments to the rank of Deputy Chief in the Toledo Police Division only, may be made on a pro tem basis. No examination shall be conducted, nor shall an eligibility list be established for use in making such appointments. Selection of Deputy Chiefs-Pro Tem shall be at the discretion of the Chief-Police and shall be made from among Police Captains with a minimum of two years in grade.
   Appointees shall serve only so long as the Chief-Police or the employee desires. Appointees shall then have a right to return to the rank of Captain. The requirements and procedures set forth in these rules for reductions in rank and voluntary demotions shall not be applicable to such returns to the rank of Captain.
   Appointments may extend for indefinite periods and are not limited by the restrictions applicable to other types of temporary employment. In no case shall a pro tem appointment become permanent, despite the lack of an examination for two or more years after the appointment occurs.
   So long as pro tem appointments to the rank of Deputy Chief continue, no examinations for that classification shall be conducted or eligibility lists established. Nor shall notification to the Commission be required when a vacancy in the Deputy Chief classification arises.