SECTION 50.09 Method of Rating
   Each part of an examination shall be separately rated. The final score for the total examination shall be rated on a scale from 100 to 70, with 70 being the required minimum rating. Where qualifying tests are given they shall be rated separately and only those who attain a qualifying score shall be permitted to enter the remaining parts of the examination.
   In all competitive recruitment examinations, if two or more candidates receive the same grade, their order of placement on the eligible list shall be determined by random selection.
   In all competitive promotional examinations, if two or more candidates receive the same grade, order of placement on the eligible list shall be determined by total continuous service. For Police and Fire promotional examinations this shall mean continuous service in the Police or Fire Divisions, not continuous City service. If the tie still remains, the position of the candidates on the certification from which their original appointments were made shall determine the order in which the names shall be placed on the eligible list. In Police and Fire this shall be the certifications for original appointment to the Police or Fire Divisions.