SECTION 50.03 Parts of Examination
   The Commission, through its Commissioner and staff, shall determine the parts or subjects into which each examination shall be divided and the weight to be assigned to each part. The parts which shall be recognized may include written tests; performance tests; oral tests; assessment exercises; evaluations of education, training and experience; evaluations of attendance, performance and conduct; physical ability examinations; medical examinations; background investigations; and other tests as the Commission deems appropriate.
   No oral or written examination shall be held except in the presence of the examiner(s) duly assigned by the Commission.
   a.   Written tests (to include computerized and traditional paper-pencil) may be either objective or essay type and shall be designed to measure job-related knowledge, skills and abilities.
   b.   Oral tests shall consist of a personal interview between the competitor and the designated examiners and/or participation in assessment exercises designed to measure job-related knowledges, skills, abilities and personal characteristics.
   c.   Performance tests shall include work sample tests and such tests of manual ability and skill that will determine the competence of the competitor to do the work.
   d.   Education, training and experience shall be rated by the examiner from the statements contained in the application and from such other sources as may be required.
   e.   Physical examinations, when required, may include tests of bodily condition, muscular strength, agility and physical fitness to perform the work of the position. Failure to reach satisfactory standards in this part of an examination shall cause the rejection of a candidate without regard to the grade(s) attained on other parts of the examination.
(Amended 3-2-16.)