SECTION 80.04 Suspensions - Fire and Police
   No employee in the Fire or Police Divisions shall be suspended without first having been afforded a hearing by the Chief of the Division, except where it is necessary to suspend the employee pending a hearing. An employee may be suspended pending a hearing where the charges are of such a nature to endanger the public safety or welfare. However, where an employee is suspended under this provision, a hearing before the Chief of the Division shall be held prior to the end of the next regularly scheduled work day.
   The Chiefs of the Divisions of Police and Fire shall have the exclusive right to suspend any of the employees in their respective divisions for incompetence, gross neglect of duty, gross immorality, habitual drunkenness, failure to obey orders given by the proper authority, or for any other just or reasonable cause. If any employee is suspended, as herein provided, the Chief of the Division concerned shall forthwith in writing, certify the facts together with the cause for suspension to the Director of Public Safety. Within five (5) calendar days from the receipt thereof the Director of Public Safety shall proceed to inquire into the cause of such suspension and render judgment, which if the charges be sustained, may be suspension, reduction in rank or dismissal. Such judgment in the matter shall be final, except as otherwise hereinafter provided. In any such investigation, the Director of Public Safety shall have the same power to administer oaths and secure the attendance of witnesses and production of documents as is conferred upon the Council.